Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's Restaurant Rip-Off Day Again

Happy Restaurant Rip-Off Day!

It only comes once a year - so all those restaurants and their marketers rub their hands together with glee when they see you all coming for the twice the price romantic dinner, in the overbooked and over-crowded restaurant, along with the vendor of the single rose at an inflated price.

Why not try something new this year? I can recommend Law's Garden, my local Chinese take away in Harrow. and they do home delivery. This is good food, fairly priced and delivered when they say it will be (not the mini cab "it'll be 10 minutes Madam").

Law's also has a configuration management system for its menu items that will astound even the most hardened project manager. see an example from the menu below - look at the numbering of the dishes.

A prize to anyone who can explain the logic of that.

So - that's my dinner sorted for tonight.

Now onto a more serious matter.

Today is the day when our focus is on The Heart. Which is something very close to my own Heart. Please give generously to an organisation that does a lot to mend broken hearts, so that it can continue its excellent work.

If it wasn't for the work of this organisation and others like it, I might not have been around to enjoy my Restaurant Rip-Off Day this year. Please give generously.


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