Monday, February 05, 2007

What A Knit

Due to my enforced rest last year, all my friends and family received hand knits this Christmas - scarves, hats, gloves and socks. Here are some friends modelling some of my creations. First we have Janette in fake fur hand-knitted scarf and gloves with matching trim. And Andrew wearing a highly stylised hat, purpose designed for the man with the outdoor job.

And here we have Mini wearing as many of her items as she could at the same time. A foxy fake fur trimmed bolero, knitted in aran, and a scarf and cloche hat ensemble.

One of my biggest achievements last year was learning how to knit socks on circular needles.

My order book for funky socks has been full ever since I started giving them out as Christmas gifts. My sitting room is beginning to look like a Socks R Us factory. Here are a few that are awaiting being posted off to the lucky recipients.

Photos courtesy of Iain's new camera. Thanks Matt for your help in selecting it.


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