Inge in 2010
A lot of swords, indicating mental turmoil. However, there is a strong sense of you feeling constrained and stuck coming through as opposed to active worry – although there is some of that. You feel unable to progress and move forwards in ways that you want to. Creative block generally.
1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. 6 of Cups. A tendency to live in the past and perhaps look back wards too much. Happy memories of good times becoming nostalgia.
2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. Ouch! You have the 7 of Swords, the ‘thief’ card. It looks like this situation is still unresolved and will continue in 2010.
3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. The Ace of Swords. New ideas, the start of intellectual activities. The 3rd House has quite an emphasis on communication and is ruled by Mercury, the Ace of Swords may be indicative of scholarly communications.
4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 7 of Pentacles. A family situation where you feel you should intervene. However, patience is required here. You can’t solve everything and sometimes you just have to let matters take their own course – sometimes things really are out of your control.
5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 5 of Pentacles. Writer’s block. Creative flow is impeded; the cupboard is bare. You will feel isolated and will appear to others to have isolated yourself from them.
6th house – Work and health. Your attitude to work (as opposed to career), daily life. 4 of Wands, hard work will bring solid achievements. The 4 of Wands can sometimes signify a house move.
7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. The Devil. You feel chained to events, however you can actually break free of the cycle if you wish.
8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. 9 of Swords. The ‘worry’ card. You will lose sleep over these issues, and this may also include family money, assets and tax bills.
9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. 5 of Wands. You feel held back by others, and so can’t develop in ways that you would like to. This is not constrained in the sense of feeling trapped (as in the 7th House) but more that others are suppressing you and your ability to express yourself.
10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. 6 of Swords. A long journey over troubled waters – calmer seas are ahead. It has been a struggle but finally a feeling of getting there and that the grief has all been worth it. You’re not there yet, but you are on your way.
11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 2 of Swords. You feel in stalemate, again unable to move forwards. Constrained and stuck.
12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. The Hanged Man – the solutions that you can’t yet see to the problems that you are worrying about. A time for meditation and reflection to discover yourself again and what you really want. Give up your opposition to things you don’t like, reflect without barriers and solutions will become more clear. No pain no gain.
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