Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Daisy's read

Quite a few major cards, and they tend to be indicating a need for you to be what you want to be – let the past go and be true to yourself. Minor cards are mostly wands and cups, indicating a focus on projects and romance. I get the feeling you are going to do something very adventurous this year project-wise, and perhaps a need to move things forwards a bit in your love life.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Prince of Cups. Romantic, a bit of a dreamer – perhaps a little too much. A need to be more grounded in reality this year.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. The Queen of Wands – this indicates developing your material independence and self-sufficiency through your own hard work. A need for continued self-reliance.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. Justice – a need to ensure balance across all aspects of your day-to-day life. Perhaps a need to ensure that you give enough time to all the things in your life.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. Strength – you might need some inner strength and willpower here to overcome obstacles presented by family members. Family may be a source of exasperation and frustration for you this year; stay clam and patient and work through it.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 5 of Cups. This suggests that you maybe won’t always appreciate the good things around you. A sense of pessimism and not relaxing and just enjoying things as they are.

6th house – Work and health. Your attitude to work (as opposed to career), daily life. The Priestess. Trust your own instincts here. Do what you think is right, which may not necessarily be what others tell you.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 6 of Cups. The past influencing your romantic future. This may not necessarily be a good thing. A need to avoid ‘if only’ and enjoy what you have. Possibly linked to 5th House, and the blockage there.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change. Judgement. Again, possible difficulties with letting go of the past and moving on.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. The King of Wands – may mean a male influence here, but perhaps more likely represents you and your adventurous qualities – perhaps you will be travelling further afield this year, or trying out something completely new and different.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Ace of Wands – trying out something new; a new project, cause or adventure of some sort. This could be what defines you.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 2 of Swords, uncomfortable compromise. ‘Keeping the peace’, in social groups but it’s not wholly satisfying. Perhaps a need to ‘rock the boat’ every now and then. You shouldn’t give up on what you want to do just to please others. And does it really matter what other people think?

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. The Fool. Yourself. This is the year for the real you – the one that is behind the public face you often show. There is more depth to you than others, except for those close to you, probably realise. 2010 is the year for the actualisation of you.


At 9:41 pm, Anonymous Daisy said...

Great reading thanks, had quite a few wands and cups in my yearly one too. My friend, dear old friend the king of wands that, for quite a while, is putting an appearance in my readings...ah well, a common friend of ours thinks it might be in the form of a mentor/close friend perhaps...I really hope I can use this energy to make the Fool's journey this year a more pleasant one :) Thanks hun, if you want me to do one for you I'd be hapy to oblige xx


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