Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Rosie in 2010

Quite a few Swords here – indicating some mental turmoil and worry, particularly on the home / material assets front. It looks like you shouldn’t accept things at face value – something might be going on behind your back to do with money, assets etc.. I’d say – watch your brother. New opportunities, success and happiness both at work and in your own personal development. Personal relationships going forward positively – a way to go yet, but improving nonetheless.

1st House – this is about you and how you come across to others; how you project yourself outwardly and how others see you. You have the 8 of Swords, which represents a sense of feeling restricted or trapped, although a way forward is possible you can’t see it. This card can suggest a need to break free of old habits. Also, don’t be seen as a ‘victim’.

2nd House – this is about money, material things and what makes you feel secure. In this House you have the ‘worry’ card – the 9 of Swords. Indicates worry about something to do with money / assets / personal possessions. Cards for 4th and 12th Houses also indicate possible worries on material matters.

3rd House – This is about local interactions – communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. 3 of Cups. Much happiness and fulfilment. Possibly a birth or an important birthday / anniversary. The 3rd House is ruled by Mercury and you have the Mercury in Cancer card here – so something nice on the emotional front (family, close friends) expected here.

4th House – Home and family; your roots and security. 7 of Swords – this is commonly known as the ‘thief’ card and frequently represents a deception / dishonesty of some sort. The Moon in Aquarius – can mean someone who knows something that you don’t. The Moon rules the 4th House, so rely on your own intuition and gut instinct here (as opposed to what others might tell you or how things might look at face value).

5th House – Anything that is fun to you, social scene, creativity, friendships etc. You have another Moon card, this time the major arcana Moon card. The Moon card can bode well for creative, artistic work. Enjoy! This feels like your bit of escapism, but don’t lose yourself to this at the expense of reality (don’t lose touch with what’s actually going on around you).

6th House – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. 10 of Cups. Lovely. Everything working out well and reaching a successful conclusion. Mars in Pisces. This represents strong energy to things that are dear to you, kindness, gentleness, helping others. Fulfilment and satisfaction.

7th House – Long term relationships, romantic and / or business. 6 of Swords. A long journey to a brighter future. You are getting there, you have to be patient and stick with it. You are leaving stormy waters and heading towards a calmer place.

8th House – Joint /shared finances/resources; also hidden taboo subjects, may also include sexuality. 4 of Wands – reaping and enjoying the rewards of efforts. This can be enjoying material success, maybe after doing work on the house. Venus in Aries – the planet of love combined with the sociability and fire of Aries, astrologically can bode well romantically (and sexually!).

9th House – Belief systems and higher learning – 9 of Cups, the ‘wish’ card. A very lucky card, indicating that you will achieve what you hope for. Perhaps gaining your PGCE in HE? It also encompasses what you hold dear to you – morals, principles etc. will bring enlightenment to you. Jupiter in Pisces – learning and development close to your heart. This House can also be about publishing – could be a good year to think about this.

10th House – Career / profession, how you project yourself at work and how others see you. The Fool (sorry – but that’s the card you pulled!). But this is not a bad card, it indicates starting out on a new journey, stepping out into uncharted waters, exploration - but it can also indicate naivety, leaping into the unknown. It can sometimes suggest a need to look before you leap. New opportunities beckon work-wise.

11th House – Aspirations & personal goals; [social] groups. Ace of Pentacles – the beginning of a new venture, either materially (in the home perhaps) or health-wise. I did wonder whether you’ve got some work planned / changes in the home planned this coming year, especially given 4 of Wands in your 8th House.

12th House – your soul (and its growth and undoing), privacy and secrets. King of Pentacles usually indicates a male influence. Is there someone (an older male, materialistic in some way) with a material interest / ambition that is hidden from you? This would seem to fit with the 7 of Swords in the 4th House, deception / dishonesty of some sort - relating to home / family. Someone might be up to something behind your back – to do with money / assets. Keep an eye on your brother.


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