Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday's Read

This one' s not mine - the querent for this knows who they are. Overall, I get the impression of someone who is presenting a face to the outside world that is cheerier than the reality. This is to do with money / material things and I wonder if you have debts or money worries that you’re not letting on about. Generally, this spread has an aura of change and disruption about it, the practical / material aspects.

You are at a time of sudden change and concerns about money matters / material things. These are events that are out of your control. Be very cautious, especially if money is involved and avoid buying on credit or debts of any sort. By the same token, don’t lend either – you won’t get it back. Expectations that all will be rosy are unrealistic. It will be more a case of "the only way now is up".

I was so intrigued by this that I did a second spread to look at your past, present and future in more depth. The past seems to be very much about your separation / divorce – family break-up and you being on your own is here, along with concerns over the illegal activities of a younger person.

The present is very much about you beginning to embark on your ‘fate’ and a new beginning; again be wary of things not being what they seem. Generally a feeling of contentment and material comfort, although a job loss is indicated.

Your future is about people. Not all of them good. There’s a very untrustworthy man, violent and a double-dealer. Beware of him. A time of great change, especially on material matters. A lot of indecision. Troubles between a younger man and an older women - someone and his mother-in-law perhaps? But it ends up on a good omen, The Empress. Which is the card for domestic stability and fulfilment, and can also mean….you’ve guessed it….pregnancy.


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