Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Entrepreneur

It is Sunday morning. 11am. The doorbell goes. A very nice couple inform Man and I that they have purchased the chest of drawers in First Born's room on e-Bay and they had come to collect it.

First Born wasn't in - he'd gone away for the weekend - and his mobile was switched off. The nice couple assured us that First Born had said Sunday was fine.

Man and I knew nothing about this - that First Born was selling the furniture in his bedroom. He must be desperate for money! Until we found out what he sold it for - £1.71!!

First Born hadn't emptied the unit out or anything. So we invited the nice couple in while we emptied its contents and gave it a quick dust. Man helped the nice man carry it down to his car. The nice lady handed over £1.71 - and a very happy couple left.

I don't think a career in business is for First Born.


At 6:58 pm, Blogger Matt said...

Durh, that's less than the price of a John Smiths Extra Smooth. It's even less than I would charge for a piece of paper with the words "chest of drawers" written on it. Still, giving things away is quite the thing these days (keeps all that chipboard out of landfill), though Freecycle might be more like the place to do it.

At 10:33 pm, Blogger SuperJane said...

Our view entirely - he didn't even get the price of a pint!!!
I think Man got the money - claimed it for effort on getting the thing down the stairs without damage to the item and my walls!


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