Monday, September 17, 2007


Fed up with not being able to spot your own suitcase as it chunters round the luggage reclaim belt?

Fed up with having to put back someone else's suitcase when you realise the one you've pulled off the conveyer belt isn't yours?

You need.....Tag-A-Bag. The amazingly simple, knitted luggage identifier....and not by JML.

To make your Tag-A-Bag, you need a pair of knitting needles (I used 4.0mm) and a scrap of brightly coloured wool.

Cast on 30 stitches, knit two rows (garter stictch) and then cast off.

Thread the Tag through the bag zipper, tie a good, strong tight knot with the long cast on / cast off ends - trim the ends and voila! Your own personalised Tagged luggage.


At 7:56 am, Blogger Matt said...

Excellent. Just the sort of thing that will get those Case-B-Found executives running scared.

What made me laugh on holiday was not the personalised luggage strap reading "J Smith, Southampton" but the one saying, in big red letters, "Get yer hands off it's mine".


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