Mandy in 2010
This was a really happy read to do. Lots of love, sunshine and people in your cards. Very you I suspect. 2010 looks like a continuation of all the good things you already have in your life. Positive and happy.
1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Empress. You are a motherly, nurturing person, and this is how others see you too. In 2010 this role will continue to be a key aspect of your life.
2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 3 of Cups – family and celebrations. A lovely card. This House is ruled by Taurus, which is also your Sun sign – and so indicates that this aspect of your life is very important to you – and for you, family and shared enjoyment with them are where you derive your sense of self worth and is the ‘money’ that you need.
3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. Princess of Wands. This indicates communication and a lot of day-to-day activity associated with a young person and project(s) they will be undertaking. Probably one of your daughters – busy and energetic.
4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 2 of Cups. The beginning of a blossoming romance or friendship. A new relationship in the family, a happy one. Again, I have a feeling it’s more likely to one of your daughters than you – as your sense of family is very much about the other family members, not yourself.
5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. The Sun – lovely. Indicates lots of fun and good times in 2010. Much happiness and enjoyment in all your hobbies and interest, for example, great shows at the theatre and other forms of entertainment.
6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. The Priestess. In 2010, you should rely on your own instincts and intuition regarding work activities, and not what others tell you, for example. Keep your own counsel.
7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 4 of Cups. The energies of this card are quite passive, and this could perhaps be a warning not to take people and relationships for granted in 2010. Make sure others know that you appreciate them.
8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. Prince of Wands. This has an air of recklessness about it – be careful of rushing in where angels fear to tread. It’s one thing to embrace change and new opportunities enthusiastically, but quite another to go rushing in with reckless abandon
9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. Queen of Wands. This is you - the professional successful, social you. This card bodes well for whatever personal development you undertake in the coming year, particularly work-wise. Energy, enthusiasm and success.
10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. 10 of Pentacles. Fulfilment and material success. The focus is about being comfortable and happy at home and with the family, and this is how you measure your success. If you haven’t already done so, you will achieve this in 2010, although I have a feeling that this is already in place and in 2010 this will continue.
11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 10 of Cups. Much happiness and emotional fulfilment with friends and family. Again, I have a feeling that this is how you measure success in terms of your personal goals and social groups – you are very much a people person. As for the 10th House, achievement or continuation of existing success in 2010.
12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. Judgement. This card is saying a need to let go of the past and move on to the future. No point regretting what can’t be changed. It is a card of letting go of the past and moving on. Are you privately still worrying about / regretting something that can’t be changed? A time for healing and moving on.
Jane, this could not be more "me" in just about every aspect. I do hope that I don't take personal relationships for granted, but I will certainly bear that in mind. Thank you so much. It is so true that as long as my loved ones, friends and especially family are happy, then I am happy. No amount of money could ever make me happier than knowing they are ok with their lives. Thanks a million for this. It was very insightful.
Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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