Thursday, January 07, 2010

Sara in 2010


This is a good year for you. It all feels very stable and the final tying up of loose ends. More Cup cards than anything, indicating that emotional issues are still very important to you – but no problems seen in this respect. Generally the cards show you moving forwards and getting somewhere. Wow! What a difference to the first time I read you about 9 months ago. Really pleased to see this.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Emperor – in control and determining your own destiny. And that’s how it should be. Having said that, don’t lose that softness and natural vulnerability that is also part of your charm.

2nd House – this is about your money, assets and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 7 of Wands. This is the adversity card, and shows that you can overcome the problems you encounter in this aspect – you do actually have the upper hand, even though it might not feel like it at times. The battle is almost won so don’t give up now – you will succeed.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. The Hermit. Chilling out and going off on your own for some quiet reflection. This suggests a withdrawal from your normal day-to-day environment and routines, and taking some time out for you. Quiet time – and about finding yourself again rather than always worrying about others and the minute detail and tittle-tattle of everyday life.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 2 of Swords, suggesting an uncomfortable compromise / peace on a family issue – a sort of stalemate. But you can’t rock the boat otherwise everything falls over and collapses. It feels like it will be left to you to maintain this compromise, and sometimes it will feel a bit ‘heavy’. You are accepting and putting up with something that you’re not truly happy about in order to keep the peace. I suspect this might be Sam and her marriage maybe?

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 9 of Cups. The ‘wish’ card. Lovely – everything you want in this respect. Good times leisure-wise, happiness and enjoyment. Fun and pleasure. Go and enjoy!

6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. King of Cups. There is a man influencing how you feel about this. Has someone at work ( a colleague / manager) made a pass at you? In terms of how you feel about your job, if the King of Cups is you it suggests someone who cares about how things turn out – sometimes perhaps too much. You won’t hear a word said against your employers, work. Very loyal.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 9 of Pentacles. How interesting; this card is about the achievement of material comfort and sometimes an inheritance. In this House I would say that material comfort in a relationship is important to you. You need to feel secure. This House can also refer to prior marriages, so this is perhaps you taking control of the assets for once and for all. (relates to your 2nd House).

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. 8 of Cups. I think this links to the 2nd and 7th Houses, where this indicates a separation from previous joint finances or assets – you walking away from those ties – severing them. Maybe 2010 is the year when you finally do this.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can also stand for long distance travel. The Death card. But please don’t feel worried about this. This means transformation. You will let go of your previous views and beliefs of life. Out with the old and in with the new. The Death of your old self and the birth of the new you; I think this started a while ago, and it looks like it will be complete in 2010. This is a good card for you to pull for this House.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Princess of Cups. I think that this is the area of your life where you are still very uncertain about where you want to go. Lots of ideas, but they may not be very practical. Still a bit dreamy on this issue – it needs some more serious thought (and action).

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. Prince of Wands. You are perhaps still a little drawn to the wild and reckless in your social life. I wonder if you are still the ‘class clown’ a bit in your social circle – and is that where you really want to be longer term?

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. 4 of Pentacles. This is the ‘miser’ card – meaning jealously protecting and hanging on to what you’ve got (usually materially). Although naturally a very generous person, you are determined to protect the assets that you have; this probably relates to the 8th House and walking away from the relationship but securing the assets (which you deserve).

And finally, there is the card that I dropped while shuffling – and that’s always a significant card – and indeed it is. The 10 of Swords. Ruin. The most painful card in the pack – and this is showing that for you the worst is now over. I’ve put that in the centre of your read – that’s where you came from. The only way now is up. New dawns. Rebuilding. Not always easy – but the right way to go.


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