Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Who Let Her Loose With That Phone?

My adventures with my new Nokia 6300 continue.

I have been having problems with my computer over the weekend, basically I think one of the fans has crapped out. My friend Jeremy built the computer for me and does the maintenance when it goes wrong.

I decided to send him a text to see if he was free in this coming week to fix the fan problem. The texts went like this....

From Jane to Jeremy: Can gen ga

I then realised predictive text wasn't working, tried to go backspace to fix the words and - unfortunately - pressed the wrong buttons and ended up just sending the text above as it was to Jeremy.

Jeremy to Jane [reply]: Predictive text perchance? Doesn't bleedin work!

Jane to Jeremy: Can you send back to owe what i sent Pg foot have a record but sin sure its funny

Jeremy to Jane [reply]: You need to disable the predictive text

Jane to Jeremy: Foot throw away the prevismus two messages id like to clog them

Jeremy to Jane [reply]: More Esperanto.....

Jane to Jeremy: Sorry I was trying to text you about my computer but hue grou this new shrone and its hard to use LJx

I didn't get any more replies! Do you balme him?


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