Sunday, November 19, 2006

Man Goes Shopping

I needed to pop out to my local Tesco today for a couple of bits - but unfortunately my Car broke down - so I couldn't go.

But Man's car was working - so he went - armed with shopping details from me.

I only wanted a few apples, pears, loaf of bread and fresh, cooked beetroot.

Man came back with pears as requested, several kilos of apples (they were on special offer), bread as he thought ok (it wasn't) , ten ton of spring onions (not needed, we already had some - but he bought them cos he said he liked them) and then...the 'coup de grace'...

"They didn't have any I bought you a cauliflower instead..."


Of all the things you could have bought to replace bought cauliflower...???

I asked Man again and he said "You wanted a vegetable didn't you? They didn't have any beetroot so I got you a cauliflower instead...

Ok... so off we jolly well go I guess...

Erm...I really look forward to slicing up my cauli in my next salad, and making cauli borsht soup, and slicing it into a sandwich...caulis are just so up for this aren't they.....they are just so like beetroot...perfect substitute...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Perfect Couple

Tom and Jerry? Liz and Richard? Gin and Tonic?

What makes a perfect couple?