Saturday, January 23, 2010

Martin in 2010


No one particular type of card dominates, suggesting a fairly balanced read although there are fewer Wands suggesting that personal projects / energetic activity may not have too much of a high profile this year. More Swords than others, indicating greater mental / intellectual activity this year – and particularly in the Houses relating to home and work.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. 7 of Cups, indicating some choices to be made about you and where / what you want to be this year. Perhaps a time to invest in yourself, make some moves for the longer term.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 8 of Cups. This suggests the coming year may be about ‘out with the old’ – possibly relating to the previous card. Moving away from what wasn’t really working for you, familiar as it might be – but perhaps not where you really want to be. I wonder – are you thinking about a house move?

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. 9 of Cups. Material comfort. Indicates stability and security – interesting as this seems to be at odds with the previous two cards, or this may mean that you come into some money – but perhaps not a huge amount.

4th House – family, home (physical) , roots and emotional security. Ace of swords, indicating new ideas and new ways of seeing things. This fits well with the 1st and 2nd Houses, indicating that you will be making some changes in your home life in 2010.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 3 of Swords. This may be related to changes that you make, and perhaps for a while it may be difficult to relax and enjoy life with your mind pre-occupied with other matters. Perhaps a short period of feeling down / depressed.

6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. Prince of Swords. This may suggest that, at work you need to speak up for yourself more at work, be more questioning and say what you really mean. Sometimes things do have to be said.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and/or business. 8 of Pentacles. This looks like you will be investing a lot of time and effort in getting a relationship to work, recognising that it won’t be fruitful overnight and you will have to work at it over time.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. The Empress. This is you again, being patient and nurturing and bringing new ideas to fruition. This house suggests that money / possessions may be involved – as I felt in the 1st and 2nd houses.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. The Moon – may suggest changes in your beliefs and attitudes. This can be good thing, but I do feel there may be a sense of feeling ‘down’ for a period, as previously expressed in the 3 of Swords. The Moon also represents creativity and so may suggest that this side of you will be to the fore in matters of learning – trying out new and very different things.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Princess of Swords. Interesting – another court card related to work – this time your career / ambitions. The Princess can represent beginnings, things in their embryonic state, and this looks like you taking those first tentative steps to speak up and make yourself more noticed.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 10 of Wands, indicating that you may feel over-burdened in terms of pursuing your personal aspirations. Have you taken on too much? Perhaps friends are leaning on you too much, and you are too readily taking on the problems of others?

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. What is hidden from you and what you might hide from others. The Wheel of Fortune. A turn for the better, good luck. Something good that you’re not expecting will happen.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Sara in 2010


This is a good year for you. It all feels very stable and the final tying up of loose ends. More Cup cards than anything, indicating that emotional issues are still very important to you – but no problems seen in this respect. Generally the cards show you moving forwards and getting somewhere. Wow! What a difference to the first time I read you about 9 months ago. Really pleased to see this.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Emperor – in control and determining your own destiny. And that’s how it should be. Having said that, don’t lose that softness and natural vulnerability that is also part of your charm.

2nd House – this is about your money, assets and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 7 of Wands. This is the adversity card, and shows that you can overcome the problems you encounter in this aspect – you do actually have the upper hand, even though it might not feel like it at times. The battle is almost won so don’t give up now – you will succeed.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. The Hermit. Chilling out and going off on your own for some quiet reflection. This suggests a withdrawal from your normal day-to-day environment and routines, and taking some time out for you. Quiet time – and about finding yourself again rather than always worrying about others and the minute detail and tittle-tattle of everyday life.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 2 of Swords, suggesting an uncomfortable compromise / peace on a family issue – a sort of stalemate. But you can’t rock the boat otherwise everything falls over and collapses. It feels like it will be left to you to maintain this compromise, and sometimes it will feel a bit ‘heavy’. You are accepting and putting up with something that you’re not truly happy about in order to keep the peace. I suspect this might be Sam and her marriage maybe?

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 9 of Cups. The ‘wish’ card. Lovely – everything you want in this respect. Good times leisure-wise, happiness and enjoyment. Fun and pleasure. Go and enjoy!

6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. King of Cups. There is a man influencing how you feel about this. Has someone at work ( a colleague / manager) made a pass at you? In terms of how you feel about your job, if the King of Cups is you it suggests someone who cares about how things turn out – sometimes perhaps too much. You won’t hear a word said against your employers, work. Very loyal.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 9 of Pentacles. How interesting; this card is about the achievement of material comfort and sometimes an inheritance. In this House I would say that material comfort in a relationship is important to you. You need to feel secure. This House can also refer to prior marriages, so this is perhaps you taking control of the assets for once and for all. (relates to your 2nd House).

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. 8 of Cups. I think this links to the 2nd and 7th Houses, where this indicates a separation from previous joint finances or assets – you walking away from those ties – severing them. Maybe 2010 is the year when you finally do this.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can also stand for long distance travel. The Death card. But please don’t feel worried about this. This means transformation. You will let go of your previous views and beliefs of life. Out with the old and in with the new. The Death of your old self and the birth of the new you; I think this started a while ago, and it looks like it will be complete in 2010. This is a good card for you to pull for this House.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Princess of Cups. I think that this is the area of your life where you are still very uncertain about where you want to go. Lots of ideas, but they may not be very practical. Still a bit dreamy on this issue – it needs some more serious thought (and action).

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. Prince of Wands. You are perhaps still a little drawn to the wild and reckless in your social life. I wonder if you are still the ‘class clown’ a bit in your social circle – and is that where you really want to be longer term?

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. 4 of Pentacles. This is the ‘miser’ card – meaning jealously protecting and hanging on to what you’ve got (usually materially). Although naturally a very generous person, you are determined to protect the assets that you have; this probably relates to the 8th House and walking away from the relationship but securing the assets (which you deserve).

And finally, there is the card that I dropped while shuffling – and that’s always a significant card – and indeed it is. The 10 of Swords. Ruin. The most painful card in the pack – and this is showing that for you the worst is now over. I’ve put that in the centre of your read – that’s where you came from. The only way now is up. New dawns. Rebuilding. Not always easy – but the right way to go.

Linda in 2010

Quite a few Cups and Swords indicating matters of the heart and the head are most prevalent in 2010. Not much about work or money, suggesting these won’t be hugely significant in 2010. Not many major cards, indicating that issues that arise in 2010 are within your own power to direct and control. You will be master of your own destiny this year.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. 5 of Cups. This card suggests giving off an air of pessimism at times, perhaps seeing the glass half full rather than half empty, and this can be picked up by others. The message here is perhaps try and see the brighter side of a situation more often.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 2 of Cups. Love, romance and friendship. I get the impression that you are not a particularly materialistic person, and gain your sense of well-being and security from loving and being loved, and like to be ‘wooed’ romantically. This may link to the 1st House where the slight sense of frustration is when the romance bit isn’t necessarily always forthcoming from your partner.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. The Priestess. Your intuition always serves you well, and you always succeed most when you go with your gut feel about something. Trust your instincts in 2010. Try and read between the lines in family communications, I think there is more than the meets the eye to a situation that arises in 2010.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. King of Cups. Again, your need for romance and to feel cared for. And here he is – a loving, caring, protective man. This sounds like your partner, and this is where your emotional security and home roots are.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 2 of Swords. This suggests a creative block of some sort, it’s the card of being stuck in a stalemate or uncomfortable compromise. I wondered – are you too busy with non-leisure projects to take time out for your creative and leisure interests? Perhaps you need to make more time for your own personal leisure interests.

6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. 7 of Swords. This is the ‘thief’ card, and is usually indicative of an untrustworthy character or something going on behind your back. I wondered whether this could be to do with work you are having done on your new property (is it in Rhodes?). This might be a bit of a warning to watch out for who’s going to be working for you in 2010.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. Queen of Swords – I think this is you. Are you by any chance the brains of the business (household)? It sounds like you are. And it probably works well like this.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. Prince of Pentacles. A young person, late teens twenty-ish. One of your sons perhaps. A bit worried about money / material matters – you may end up helping out here.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can also stand for long distance travel. Prince of Wands – may mean a young person, or also stands for travel, exciting and often to an exotic place. At its most basic, it could mean that one of your sons will be visiting in 2010. But I wondered – are you planning any interesting motor bike trips?

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. The Chariot. This is very straightforward – it’s saying that to achieve in work / your local community you will need to take control of the direction you’re going in. Don’t be guided by others – take the reins yourself. You will be rewarded for your efforts. The Chariot is also the Victory (success) card. All going well, as long as you are in the driving seat.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 9 of Swords. This card indicates some worry and some sleepless nights. Perhaps some worry about what the future holds, and also friendships. Is it about losing touch with old friends, or perhaps not really fitting into the social circles where you are now? Worries aren’t necessarily founded.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. 6 of Pentacles. The 6 of Pentacles is the card of material success and charitable donations. I wonder if there is a quiet fear in the back of your mind about what you would do if you fell on hard times. This is the house of hopes and fears, and it looks as if material comfort might be an issue here.

Gina in 2010


A lot of major cards, indicating aspects with an important impact for you this year. Also 3 out of the 4 available Princes. I don’t think they are necessarily 3 different people, but mostly different facets of you. It also indicates that travel may feature quite strongly in 2010. I think this is the year where you take stock and make a few decisions about where you’re going and why.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Hanged Man. This is a card of quiet reflection and temporary inaction. I think that 2010 is the year in which you gain a whole new perspective on your life, and see things very differently from what you did in the past. This House is ruled by Aries, you are Aries plus the 1st House is about you – so I would say this is a particularly significant aspect for you.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 9 of Pentacles. Finally being able to build up some financial resources, and also be able to afford a few luxuries. Material aspects are well starred here. This card can also signify an inheritance or material gain of some sort.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. Prince of Wands. Headstrong and a bit wild, perhaps you’re partying a little bit too much at times. Lots of unchanneled energy.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. Temperance. Family life characterised by moderation and balance. Where there are differences, compatibility is still possible. I get the impression that you were brought up to ‘temper’ any excesses, and that’s certainly how you will approach this aspect of your life in 2010. Perhaps at times you are a bit of a mediator between various family members.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. The Star – a very positive card. Light and hope. It indicates that your leisure activities and interests this year will be much more focused on your spiritual side, perhaps the Church or other similar organisations.

6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. The Lovers. You will discover something that you absolutely love (or love doing), and will be drawn to having regardless of consequences elsewhere. Trust your instincts on this, and go with what you feel. But it will mean some tough choices to be made.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. Strength. This is about you being in control of the situation, through your willpower and inner strength. Brain rather than brawn. In relationships (romantic and business) this means that you will control not only the situation, but also yourself in terms of impulses, anger etc.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. Prince of Pentacles. Perhaps an over-emphasis on material things. You work hard to get what you have, but be careful of being too focused on material accumulation at the expense of other aspects of your life.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. 9 of Wands. A project near to fruition, something that you have been investing time and energy in. One more final push and you’ll be there. The 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius, and the 9 of Pentacles is the Moon in Sagittarius – thus emphasising the Sagittarian energy. There may also be some travel involved here.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. The Universe. As one phase in your life comes to an end a new one begins. Successful completion. I would interpret the successful completion being your degree in 2009, and so onto career matters in 2010, and new beginnings there.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. Princess of Swords. I wonder if perhaps you don’t always aim as high as you could. You have the intellect but perhaps at times lack confidence to go for the ‘big prize’. I think the princess here represents a quick but young intellect which perhaps needs to be focused and channelled a little more at times. Also, be careful of gossip in your social circle. Things aren’t always how people present them.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. Prince of Cups. The romantic side of you – but perhaps a little too day-dreamy and wishful sometimes. Don’t let an overactive imagination get the better of you, a need to be more grounded in reality at times.

Mandy in 2010


This was a really happy read to do. Lots of love, sunshine and people in your cards. Very you I suspect. 2010 looks like a continuation of all the good things you already have in your life. Positive and happy.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Empress. You are a motherly, nurturing person, and this is how others see you too. In 2010 this role will continue to be a key aspect of your life.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 3 of Cups – family and celebrations. A lovely card. This House is ruled by Taurus, which is also your Sun sign – and so indicates that this aspect of your life is very important to you – and for you, family and shared enjoyment with them are where you derive your sense of self worth and is the ‘money’ that you need.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. Princess of Wands. This indicates communication and a lot of day-to-day activity associated with a young person and project(s) they will be undertaking. Probably one of your daughters – busy and energetic.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 2 of Cups. The beginning of a blossoming romance or friendship. A new relationship in the family, a happy one. Again, I have a feeling it’s more likely to one of your daughters than you – as your sense of family is very much about the other family members, not yourself.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. The Sun – lovely. Indicates lots of fun and good times in 2010. Much happiness and enjoyment in all your hobbies and interest, for example, great shows at the theatre and other forms of entertainment.

6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. The Priestess. In 2010, you should rely on your own instincts and intuition regarding work activities, and not what others tell you, for example. Keep your own counsel.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 4 of Cups. The energies of this card are quite passive, and this could perhaps be a warning not to take people and relationships for granted in 2010. Make sure others know that you appreciate them.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. Prince of Wands. This has an air of recklessness about it – be careful of rushing in where angels fear to tread. It’s one thing to embrace change and new opportunities enthusiastically, but quite another to go rushing in with reckless abandon

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. Queen of Wands. This is you - the professional successful, social you. This card bodes well for whatever personal development you undertake in the coming year, particularly work-wise. Energy, enthusiasm and success.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. 10 of Pentacles. Fulfilment and material success. The focus is about being comfortable and happy at home and with the family, and this is how you measure your success. If you haven’t already done so, you will achieve this in 2010, although I have a feeling that this is already in place and in 2010 this will continue.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 10 of Cups. Much happiness and emotional fulfilment with friends and family. Again, I have a feeling that this is how you measure success in terms of your personal goals and social groups – you are very much a people person. As for the 10th House, achievement or continuation of existing success in 2010.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. Judgement. This card is saying a need to let go of the past and move on to the future. No point regretting what can’t be changed. It is a card of letting go of the past and moving on. Are you privately still worrying about / regretting something that can’t be changed? A time for healing and moving on.

Lily in 2010

A very balanced read. No particular type of card dominates, suggesting a good balance of intellectual, romantic, material and work pursuits. Some new beginnings, money and love, as well as some problems that you will need to tackle. But these don’t seem terribly major, and are issues that you should be able to take in your stride. 2010 is looking generally very positive for you.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. 8 of Cups, indicating you leaving a situation that you are not completely happy about. This indicates a break with something (or someone) in 2010, perhaps an unsatisfactory relationship, work situation etc. And you will be proactive in making that break – rather than it being done to you.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. Justice. The card of equity and balance. It may also indicate some legal activity to do with money or assets.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. Ace of Cups – nice. The germ of a fruitful relationship – possibly romantic. But some communication / response is needed from you to take it forward.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 5 of Wands – this indicates others constraining you, and this may lead to conflict / disagreement. Perhaps your family have a different idea about which direction you / your life should be taking compared to you.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. Prince of Pentacles. A studious and serious approach to life. This perhaps indicates that in 2010 you need to try and relax a little more – don’t work too hard at the expense of your hobbies and having fun.

6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. 5 Of Pentacles. This might indicate difficulties with employment, and perhaps some temporary money shortage. A bit of a barren time for a while.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. The Devil. You feel chained to a situation, however you can actually break free of the cycle if you wish. This might relate to your 1st House, indicating that you pluck up the courage to leave a situation which you find unsatisfactory.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. Prince of Swords, be careful about being too clever for your own good, and be sensitive to when it may not be appropriate to let others know what you think.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. 6 of Cups. Your past and old friends will very much influence your explorations and any higher learning in 2010. Try not to let this constrain your explorations too much in 2010.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. The Lovers. A choice to be made regarding where you go next. Two paths you could take, both attractive – but which one is right for you? This won’t be an easy decision. It’s possible that paternal or other authority figures may be exerting an influence on your choice.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. Ace of Pentacles – new beginnings in terms of material affairs. Good health. There will be opportunities for you to prosper, and you need to grasp them and take them forwards.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. 9 of Swords. The ‘worry’ card. In the 12th House indicates problems and worries that you are keeping to yourself. Sleepless nights. Perhaps a need to open up to others a little more – a problem shared is a problem halved.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Inge in 2010


A lot of swords, indicating mental turmoil. However, there is a strong sense of you feeling constrained and stuck coming through as opposed to active worry – although there is some of that. You feel unable to progress and move forwards in ways that you want to. Creative block generally.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. 6 of Cups. A tendency to live in the past and perhaps look back wards too much. Happy memories of good times becoming nostalgia.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. Ouch! You have the 7 of Swords, the ‘thief’ card. It looks like this situation is still unresolved and will continue in 2010.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. The Ace of Swords. New ideas, the start of intellectual activities. The 3rd House has quite an emphasis on communication and is ruled by Mercury, the Ace of Swords may be indicative of scholarly communications.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 7 of Pentacles. A family situation where you feel you should intervene. However, patience is required here. You can’t solve everything and sometimes you just have to let matters take their own course – sometimes things really are out of your control.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 5 of Pentacles. Writer’s block. Creative flow is impeded; the cupboard is bare. You will feel isolated and will appear to others to have isolated yourself from them.

6th house – Work and health. Your attitude to work (as opposed to career), daily life. 4 of Wands, hard work will bring solid achievements. The 4 of Wands can sometimes signify a house move.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. The Devil. You feel chained to events, however you can actually break free of the cycle if you wish.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. 9 of Swords. The ‘worry’ card. You will lose sleep over these issues, and this may also include family money, assets and tax bills.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. 5 of Wands. You feel held back by others, and so can’t develop in ways that you would like to. This is not constrained in the sense of feeling trapped (as in the 7th House) but more that others are suppressing you and your ability to express yourself.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. 6 of Swords. A long journey over troubled waters – calmer seas are ahead. It has been a struggle but finally a feeling of getting there and that the grief has all been worth it. You’re not there yet, but you are on your way.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 2 of Swords. You feel in stalemate, again unable to move forwards. Constrained and stuck.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. The Hanged Man – the solutions that you can’t yet see to the problems that you are worrying about. A time for meditation and reflection to discover yourself again and what you really want. Give up your opposition to things you don’t like, reflect without barriers and solutions will become more clear. No pain no gain.

Cheryl's Read


Quite a few major cards, and they relate to work and personal development matters, indicating that these aspects will be particularly important to you in 2010. The Magician in your 1st House – indicating that everything is there for you to do anything you want to do, a very lucky omen.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Magician – lovely! 2010 is your year – you can do or be anything you want to be. You have everything you need at your disposal. A very lucky year for you.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. King of Pentacles; a man is key in providing your material security this year. He is comfortably off and is a good provider. Reliable.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. King of Cups. A family man having great influence over your day to day. It’s another side of the provider in the 2nd house, this time the emotional caring side and feeling the need to protect you and defend you. You are being well looked after this year.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 7 of Pentacles. Patience is required when dealing with a family situation. You can’t solve everything and sometimes you just have to let matters take their own course – sometimes things really are out of your control.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. Justice – a need to get a balance with all the interest you have in your life. Don’t neglect the more fun, carefree interests in favour of too many intellectual pursuits.

6th house – Work and health. Your attitude to work (as opposed to career), daily life. The Star – lovely. A very positive outlook, and optimism about the future. Good health in 2010.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 10 of Swords. If past times have been traumatic, particularly in the latter part of 2009, the worst is over now – although perhaps still feeling a little raw, you can now start building for the future again. You needed to make the break you did (with work perhaps?) so that you could move on to something that’s better for you.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. Princess of Cups. Perhaps a tendency to daydream and take things to heart a little too much. Sometimes an over-active imagination and not always very grounded when dealing with change or crises. A need to be more pragmatic at times. I wonder – are you a bit of a shopaholic?

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. The Empress. Personal development will be in fields where you can care for, look after, nurture or counsel others. You get the best sense of self actualisation when involved in this sort of way with others.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. The Lovers – a choice to be made. Which direction to take now? Professional development or something more altruistic and personally satisfying? Your choice.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 5 of Cups, a slight sense of pessimism here, a tendency to see the cup as half empty rather than half full. A sense of regret about what can’t be changed – you need to move forward in 2010.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. 5 of Pentacles. Fears about material comfort and security, although you probably keep this to yourself. Also, in 2010 you could perhaps work on developing your confidence in your tarot studies – you perhaps under-rate yourself sometimes.

Mary's Read


Quite a few swords in this spread, although they seem to indicate mental activity and achievement rather than turmoil, that seems to be behind you now.. Also quite a few major arcana indicating aspects of your life that will be key to you this year.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The 10 of Swords – this was your 2009. The worst is now behind you and the only way now is up. Others sympathise with you too and can see that you have been having quite a hard time.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. The 2 of Pentacles. Juggling money and assets – this isn’t surprising as you are currently a broke student and are doing your teacher training to enhance your sense of personal achievement, but this may be financially challenging for a while.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. Temperance. A need to do things in moderation and recognise what will and won’t work together. A need to tread carefully at times, perhaps in communications.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. The Empress – happy home life; caring family environment. Everything is settled. Perhaps a pregnancy in the family (but I don’t think you).

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 6 of Swords. A long journey to get where you want to be, a bit of a slog but you are getting there. You are finally travelling in a direction where you really want to go, and getting a chance to express yourself and communicate creatively.

6th house – Work and health. Your attitude to work (as opposed to career), daily life. Queen of Wands – a need for you to stay in the driving seat and continue your determination and self-reliance.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 7 of Cups. Some tough choices to be made this year. Don’t judge books by their covers – what looks like the best bet may not be, but rather just a short term relief. Nice to have some choices though – but looks like it might be romantically complicated.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change. Strength. Your own inner strength and will power gets you through times of change, and you don’t seem to have too much difficulty moving on and embracing the new horizons.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. The Devil suggests a tendency to be a bit hidebound in this respect, perhaps not breaking free of the established order when perhaps you really want to. Comfort in the familiar. A need to be less constrained and reserved.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. King of Swords. A highly intellectual male influence, probably a boss or someone in apposition of high authority that can have a strong bearing on your career progression. Keep him sweet.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. Queen of Swords – indicates your desire to achieve intellectually and be seen to have done so. Gemini in the Aquarian house – strong emphasis on learning and the intellect.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. 7 of Wands. Your hopes and fears are about your ability to keep going in the face of adversity. Perhaps you doubt your ability to overcome difficulties. And in 2010 not everyone will be supportive, and so you will have to draw on your inner resources (see Strength in your 8th house) to keep going in the direction that you want to follow.

Daisy's read

Quite a few major cards, and they tend to be indicating a need for you to be what you want to be – let the past go and be true to yourself. Minor cards are mostly wands and cups, indicating a focus on projects and romance. I get the feeling you are going to do something very adventurous this year project-wise, and perhaps a need to move things forwards a bit in your love life.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. The Prince of Cups. Romantic, a bit of a dreamer – perhaps a little too much. A need to be more grounded in reality this year.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. The Queen of Wands – this indicates developing your material independence and self-sufficiency through your own hard work. A need for continued self-reliance.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. Justice – a need to ensure balance across all aspects of your day-to-day life. Perhaps a need to ensure that you give enough time to all the things in your life.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. Strength – you might need some inner strength and willpower here to overcome obstacles presented by family members. Family may be a source of exasperation and frustration for you this year; stay clam and patient and work through it.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 5 of Cups. This suggests that you maybe won’t always appreciate the good things around you. A sense of pessimism and not relaxing and just enjoying things as they are.

6th house – Work and health. Your attitude to work (as opposed to career), daily life. The Priestess. Trust your own instincts here. Do what you think is right, which may not necessarily be what others tell you.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 6 of Cups. The past influencing your romantic future. This may not necessarily be a good thing. A need to avoid ‘if only’ and enjoy what you have. Possibly linked to 5th House, and the blockage there.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change. Judgement. Again, possible difficulties with letting go of the past and moving on.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. The King of Wands – may mean a male influence here, but perhaps more likely represents you and your adventurous qualities – perhaps you will be travelling further afield this year, or trying out something completely new and different.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Ace of Wands – trying out something new; a new project, cause or adventure of some sort. This could be what defines you.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 2 of Swords, uncomfortable compromise. ‘Keeping the peace’, in social groups but it’s not wholly satisfying. Perhaps a need to ‘rock the boat’ every now and then. You shouldn’t give up on what you want to do just to please others. And does it really matter what other people think?

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. The Fool. Yourself. This is the year for the real you – the one that is behind the public face you often show. There is more depth to you than others, except for those close to you, probably realise. 2010 is the year for the actualisation of you.

Wendy's Read


A good sense of balance across the various areas of your life. Some new beginnings, but these are well starred and will lead to success. This is your year for taking this forward and for achieving things that you want to achieve. A focus on work and family.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. You have 10 of Wands here, which signifies someone who is over-burdened and takes on far too much, and this is how others see you too. Perhaps a need to not take on quite as much as you do.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. The 2 of Swords, the card of uncomfortable compromise. Comfortably off, but a slight feeling of stalemate and being unable to move forwards and progress.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. The Ace of Pentacles suggests the beginnings of something new, perhaps a new job or role at work. Positive, bodes well.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. The Fool. Don’t be offended by that – it is often a positive card. It suggests perhaps a desire (or need) to break away from the conventions of the family norms and habits, and try something new. Experimentation, stepping into the unknown; may be related to your 3rd House where new beginnings are also indicated.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. The Wheel of Fortune. A great card, some good luck comes your way. Gambles pay off. Good omens.

6th house – Work and health. Your attitude to work, daily life. 6 of Wands. A great card – Victory and success. You will succeed and do well, possibly overcoming some adversity along the way. If there are new beginnings at work, then this indicates it will go well.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. The 2 of Wands – not sure which way to go. Successful so far, but where to take this all now? Wands suggest that the emphasis here is on business / work relationships (rather than emotional ones) – and could indicate new, and productive working relationships.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change. The Hierophant. This indicates a preference for conformity and perhaps some resistance to change. Possibly some legal issues to do with finance / assets.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. The Emperor, this is you taking control of your own personal development and learning. Perhaps you can be quite single-minded in this respect, with a clear sense of what you want to do and how you are going to do it. Go for it.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. The Princess of Wands is an interesting card – it suggests enthusiasm and commitment, but perhaps you haven’t quite grasped what’s really required. Lots of hard work and commitment, but some naivety.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. King of Pentacles – this is you (Virgo), and a feeling of accomplishment and completion here. Well established and comfortable in your social circle. But I wonder – do you perhaps try and organise others a little too much sometimes, and bring ‘order’ as you see it.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. The Queen of Pentacles. Interesting that you got the King and Queen together. The Queen is your soul-mate (your wife I would say). She is the power behind your throne, with her quiet strength and encouragement.

Interestingly, you have an additional card – the Prince of Pentacles which almost completes your Pentacles ‘family’. This is a young person in your life, someone studious and cautious. It may not necessarily be a family member in the literal sense but it is someone with whom you identify and get along well with. It may even be a younger work colleague or friend’s son / daughter. This person will figure in your life events in 2010.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Rita's Read

Quite a lot of Cups and some Coins indicating emotional and material happiness and stability. Overall, a very positive 2010 with lots to look forward to. Not much disruption – but one major ‘big bang’ event for you – and a needed one. Things come to a head and so eventually get sorted. The air in your neighbourhood needs to be cleared in some way.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. You have 10 pentacles – all is well on the home front. This is a very positive card. You are materially fulfilled. I’m not sure it is always as perfect as others might think it is, but that’s certainly how others see you.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. You have 6 of Pentacles here, indicating material comfort and charitable giving. You are (or will be in 2010) comfortably well off, and you need to feel that for your own sense of well-being. You will do good work for charity (or donate generous sums).

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. The Tower card. Something dramatic will happen in 2010 to rock your routine boat. It will be surprising, probably not pleasant at the time, but perhaps needing to be done. Things will never be the same again – and though painful the change may be, it is needed. This card may also indicate lies / past cover-ups finally being exposed – and in a very dramatic way.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. 4 of Pentacles. Hanging on to what you have – resisting change. This contradicts the energy of The Tower in the 3rd House and suggests they are in conflict. Are you perhaps hanging on to something that is out-dated and has had its day and moved on, but you haven’t? In which case The Tower will knock the playhouse down anyway.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. The King of Cups. Love and romance sounds like your idea of fun, and it looks like you might get a lot of that in 2010. Lucky you!

6th house – Work and health. Attitude to work, daily life. King of Swords – indicating you will be receiving some sort of professional help in 2010 – either career or health guidance. I have a feeling it will be very minor – probably dentistry.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. The Hierophant. I think this is more likely to signify some sort of legal, rather than romantic, relationship – unless you’re planning to get together with a teacher. I think you’re going to come across some sort of legal situation involving significant red tape in 2010.

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology and sexuality (woo! hoo!). 10 of Cups. Oh lucky you – that’s complete and utter emotional happiness and fulfilment. Lovely!

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. The High Priestess – she bodes well for personal fulfilment in this field, but indicates that you should rely on your own intuition and not the advice of others, nor what might appear to be the most rational suggestions. This may suggest self actualisation through religion, perhaps a new found faith. Getting closer to God.

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Queen of Swords – if this is you it signifies you have to go for it and be more cut-throat in your work life (or your role in your local society). Take a few prisoners every now and then (although this probably doesn’t feel like you to you). Generally, you are too soft and perhaps need to toughen up a bit.

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 2 of Cups – juggling money and other assets in order to go forwards to do what you want to do. You perhaps don’t really want to be bothered with mucking about with financial / material things – but someone has to take care of these things, don’t they?

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. The Star – wonderful. Hope and a way forward in the future. You are a very open person and don’t keep secrets from others. And – in return – nothing is hidden from you. A bright future, which can go exactly where you want to go – just steer it there.

Lesley's Read


Mostly minor arcana cards, meaning that situations in the coming year are those that you can influence and affect. So don’t sit back and let life happen to you – make it happen for you. Quite a few cups and coins, indicating emotional and material issues are pre-dominant, but not in a negative way overall, although some situations will need some management by you. Self-actualisation in terms of creativity and learning – this has a real ‘feel good’ factor attached to it for you.

1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. Here you have the Lovers card – indicating a relationship issue and some choices to be made. Gemini (the Twins) rules this card. Maybe this is about the ‘new’ and the ‘old’ you, perhaps a bit of a struggle going on here.

2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. You have the 5 of Swords here, which indicates perhaps some dispute and a win / lose situation. Perhaps a family argument over money or similar. Basically, no-one is really going to win here, perhaps a compromise would be a good idea.

3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. 6 of Pentacles – generosity, charity, being kind to others and doing good. Perhaps work or fund-raising for a local charity, or a generous donation. Or something very altruistic. This is you – doing something positive and good for the charitable good locally.

4th House – family, home, roots and emotional security. Prince of Cups – Fire of Water. A young man (or possibly girl) dominating this, their needs; a teen or twenties – and their needs are very emotional – they are perhaps dreaming a little too much romantically and not being practical. They will end up in a situation that will bring out the mothering in you. This situation will dominate your family life this year. A youngster’s love situation going wrong.

5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. The Star card – fantastic – everything will be what you hope for in this respect and better. And it’s not short-lived, whatever you do in this aspect has a longer term future. Good for you – go for it!

6th house – Work and health. Attitude to work, daily life. 5 of Coins – not so good I’m afraid. A bit of a rough patch, possible redundancy or temporary loss of income. I get the impression you may be supporting others in some way, and perhaps won’t be able to do so in the coming year very easily – or at least not as much as before.

7th house – long term relationships, romantic and business. 7 of Swords. This can sometimes indicate deception, or things not being how they appear at face value. Not necessarily romantically, and I wonder here whether there’s something legal going on where you perhaps don’t yet have all the facts that you should. Or something might even be a little dishonest (or corrupt).

8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology and sexuality (woo! hoo!). Here you have the Queen of Pentacles – which is exactly where you would want to be. This is you – and you are in charge of this House and all its properties, in a loving, caring and also practical way. This is what you will be minding in the coming year.

9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems – and you have another 9 here too – the 9 of Cups. This is a very lucky card, it’s the ‘wish’ card and signifies that you will achieve the self actualisation that you crave. Lovely!

10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Interesting – here you have the 4 of Cups which is a card of dissatisfaction or boredom – perhaps signifying that you don’t feel that you have the recognition yet that you would like professionally or by reputation. I think this might come when you achieve what you desire in your 9th House (higher learning).

11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. King of Cups. A loving man in your life is key here. I don’t know if you have met him yet or not, but he is key to your feeling of overall fulfilment. Without him, you don’t quite feel whole.

12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. The Magician – this is a marvellous card. This is the card of going forwards with all the tools you need to do / be anything you want to be. I don’t know if you’re a bit shy and hide your light under a bushel – if so, no need – you’ve got everything you need to be the success you want to be. Go for it! And Happy New Year.

Rosie in 2010

Quite a few Swords here – indicating some mental turmoil and worry, particularly on the home / material assets front. It looks like you shouldn’t accept things at face value – something might be going on behind your back to do with money, assets etc.. I’d say – watch your brother. New opportunities, success and happiness both at work and in your own personal development. Personal relationships going forward positively – a way to go yet, but improving nonetheless.

1st House – this is about you and how you come across to others; how you project yourself outwardly and how others see you. You have the 8 of Swords, which represents a sense of feeling restricted or trapped, although a way forward is possible you can’t see it. This card can suggest a need to break free of old habits. Also, don’t be seen as a ‘victim’.

2nd House – this is about money, material things and what makes you feel secure. In this House you have the ‘worry’ card – the 9 of Swords. Indicates worry about something to do with money / assets / personal possessions. Cards for 4th and 12th Houses also indicate possible worries on material matters.

3rd House – This is about local interactions – communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. 3 of Cups. Much happiness and fulfilment. Possibly a birth or an important birthday / anniversary. The 3rd House is ruled by Mercury and you have the Mercury in Cancer card here – so something nice on the emotional front (family, close friends) expected here.

4th House – Home and family; your roots and security. 7 of Swords – this is commonly known as the ‘thief’ card and frequently represents a deception / dishonesty of some sort. The Moon in Aquarius – can mean someone who knows something that you don’t. The Moon rules the 4th House, so rely on your own intuition and gut instinct here (as opposed to what others might tell you or how things might look at face value).

5th House – Anything that is fun to you, social scene, creativity, friendships etc. You have another Moon card, this time the major arcana Moon card. The Moon card can bode well for creative, artistic work. Enjoy! This feels like your bit of escapism, but don’t lose yourself to this at the expense of reality (don’t lose touch with what’s actually going on around you).

6th House – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. 10 of Cups. Lovely. Everything working out well and reaching a successful conclusion. Mars in Pisces. This represents strong energy to things that are dear to you, kindness, gentleness, helping others. Fulfilment and satisfaction.

7th House – Long term relationships, romantic and / or business. 6 of Swords. A long journey to a brighter future. You are getting there, you have to be patient and stick with it. You are leaving stormy waters and heading towards a calmer place.

8th House – Joint /shared finances/resources; also hidden taboo subjects, may also include sexuality. 4 of Wands – reaping and enjoying the rewards of efforts. This can be enjoying material success, maybe after doing work on the house. Venus in Aries – the planet of love combined with the sociability and fire of Aries, astrologically can bode well romantically (and sexually!).

9th House – Belief systems and higher learning – 9 of Cups, the ‘wish’ card. A very lucky card, indicating that you will achieve what you hope for. Perhaps gaining your PGCE in HE? It also encompasses what you hold dear to you – morals, principles etc. will bring enlightenment to you. Jupiter in Pisces – learning and development close to your heart. This House can also be about publishing – could be a good year to think about this.

10th House – Career / profession, how you project yourself at work and how others see you. The Fool (sorry – but that’s the card you pulled!). But this is not a bad card, it indicates starting out on a new journey, stepping out into uncharted waters, exploration - but it can also indicate naivety, leaping into the unknown. It can sometimes suggest a need to look before you leap. New opportunities beckon work-wise.

11th House – Aspirations & personal goals; [social] groups. Ace of Pentacles – the beginning of a new venture, either materially (in the home perhaps) or health-wise. I did wonder whether you’ve got some work planned / changes in the home planned this coming year, especially given 4 of Wands in your 8th House.

12th House – your soul (and its growth and undoing), privacy and secrets. King of Pentacles usually indicates a male influence. Is there someone (an older male, materialistic in some way) with a material interest / ambition that is hidden from you? This would seem to fit with the 7 of Swords in the 4th House, deception / dishonesty of some sort - relating to home / family. Someone might be up to something behind your back – to do with money / assets. Keep an eye on your brother.