Saturday, April 21, 2007

The New Mobile Phone

I have finally joined the 20th Century!

I have a mobile phone contract and a new mobile phone.

I went into the O2 shop and asked about upgrading my Pay & Go to a contract, and I asked if I could have the new contract on my existing phone, and the guy in the O2 shop said Yes.

So then I got out my faithful Nokia 1100, and asked about how (and when) we could put it on a contract. He looked pretty taken aback. I can’t for the life of me understand why – the Nokia 1100 is a fantastic phone – almost totally Jane-Proof!

He then told me I could (should) have a new phone, and showed me all these Sony and Motorola (too hard to use) phones.

He said they could put my new contract on my old Nokia mobile, but that I should take one of the newer phones anyway – just as a spare – because they came free with the contract – and, which one would I like?

Well – frankly – this was far too difficult a decision to make on the spot. I said as much and that I’d have to take advice and get back to him.

So – that evening at home – I asked Man. He went on the Internet and looked up the contract options. He told me that it really would be a good idea if I upgraded to a new phone – but that I could get another (just more modern) Nokia – so the core facilities would work in the same way as my existing phone.

I agreed. So Man placed the order for me, sorted it all out – all I had to was sign up to pay.

Within 3 days the phone arrived and my old number was subsequently transferred across, the contract started and my faithful old 1100 disconnected (Boo! Hoo!)

So now I have a new phone, the Nokia 6300. And very impressive it is too. It does everything – even cooks your tea for you if you ask it nicely! But I don’t how to use it…..

So far - I’ve managed to switch off the incoming text message alert, change the clock, mark my contacts (whatever that means!) and lose some text messages that I sent to my friends (or thought I had….I’ve actually got no idea whether they were sent or not).

I phoned Matt and left a message on his voicemail. I couldn’t figure out how to end the call, still….if in doubt….Power down. Matt tried to ring me back, and left a message on my voicemail. It took me a day to figure out how to retrieve it. But I’m getting there….

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Balsamic Vinegar...What's it For?

Ok - all you good cooks out there - what do you use balsamic vinegar for?

I bought a bottle because it has a Weight Watchers points value of zero - which means I can eat as much of it as I like. I tried shaking it over my salad yesterday as a salad dressing - and it was horrible. It ruined what was otherwise a perfectly good lettuce leaf.

So - what are you meant to do with this stuff? Low calories suggestions only please! (preferably with Weight Watchers points value of zero).

Sunday, April 08, 2007

And It's Goodnight From A Great

A sad day for British Tennis. Goodbye and the very best on your retirement! Love J :))

Ruzza Gregoria is retiring from competitive tennis after 13 years at the top of the Game.

Ruzza was born in Great Britain and then went to live in Wales as a child, and then returned to Great Britain to play under the national flag.

Many have criticised Ruzza for playing under the GB flag - and she has been accused of capitalising on GB's phenomenal success in World tennis. This hurt Ruzza deeply - she has always claimed that she only ever lived in Wales - but that she was - and always has been - British through and through.

Remember - When all our hearts went out to Ruzza when:

She was a finalist in the Canadian Open and wore a black armband to remind the Daily Express that Diana really had died.

She passed the drugs test - albeit a couple of years after she actually took it and the tennis and other related crazy communities sought to say she was doing drugs....our Ruzza - doin' drugs????

She set the record for the slowest serve at 10 miles per hour................'No M'lud I wasn't doing 149 miles per hour....No M'lud I don't possess a Jaguar car or even a fast tennis racket....M'Lud...please...I'm left-handed.....'

She swore at a line official on live BBC TV when a spectator called a shot 'In' when it was really 'Out'.

Ruzza is married to the ex US tennis superstar Andre Antoioniogassi, and plans to spend her retirement marketing L'Aureelee cosmetics.

In the longer term she has her eye on taking over the Jane Fondue slot on the L'Aureelee commercials.