Friday, March 31, 2006

PREDICTIGRAM - The Winner!!!

Congratulations to retardo bot!

You have won this week's PREDICTIGRAM.

You correctly answered Rentokil.

Collect your prize here.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Forget SoD Uku - here's the latest brain-teaser craze. The New and Exciting PREDICTIGRAM.

Here's how to play:

Jane doesn't know how to use her mobile phone properly.

Her son set up the predictive text for her and he's now away at university and unable to help.

Jane had to send an important text to her friend Jeremy.

Predictive text thought it had recognised a word when it hadn't.

Jane couldn't figure out how to get it to "Spell" when it didn't want to.

So this is the text that Jane sent to Jeremy:

"Remunlgl has been. Let's speak later."

Help Jeremy to unravel the text.

What message did Jane mean to send?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The McMessenger

Soon to be messenging a child near you. Check it out here.

Ronald has done a deal with Bill to brand the burger on the MSN Messenger.

Ronald claims that loadsa companies have these so-called 'theme packs' with Bill.

And so it's just not McDonald's trying to get round the inevitable TV advertising restrictions to kids, marketing to schools etc. and using the Internet instead to get to kids. Others are doing it as well - so that's all right then.

Who else might Bill have 'theme pack' deals with on Messenger?...Errr - who could it be ...Sony...Disney?....Nestle? Or perhaps some other great bastions of Corporate Social Responsibility?

Perhaps some tobacco companies? How about an oil company or ten? Or even a nuclear power plant?

Why stop at this? Hey - let's go all the way and have a few Colombian drug barons while we're at it?

Let's just SPIM all the kids with genuine marketing messages from disguised strangers.

Where does this end?

And so - who cries for the children? Mordor does.

And where are you Fastfoodcorp? A bit slow off the mark on this one - aren't you?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Super Jane Has Arrived

Hurrah! I have finally got my Blog up and limping!

Welcome to Jane's World.

This is me, SuperJane, in battle with the McBeast.

Artwork courtesy of our infamous student, Glen, in 2004.

Peter - you can breathe out now.