The New Mobile Phone
I have finally joined the 20th Century!
I have a mobile phone contract and a new mobile phone.
I went into the O2 shop and asked about upgrading my Pay & Go to a contract, a

So then I got out my faithful Nokia 1100, and asked about how (and when) we could put it on a contract. He looked pretty taken aback. I can’t for the life of me understand why – the Nokia 1100 is a fantastic phone – almost totally Jane-Proof!
He then told me I could (should) have a new phone, and showed me all these Sony and Motorola (too hard to use) phones.
He said they could put my new contract on my old Nokia mobile, but that I should take one of the newer phones anyway – just as a spare – because they came free with the contract – and, which one would I like?
Well – frankly – this was far too difficult a decision to make on the spot. I said as much and that I’d have to take advice and get back to him.
So – that evening at home – I asked Man. He went on the Internet and looked up the contract options. He told me that it really would be a good idea if I upgraded to a new phone – but that I could get another (just more modern) Nokia – so the core facilities would work in the same way as my existing phone.
I agreed. So Man placed the order for me, sorted it all out – all I had to was sign up to pay.
Within 3 days the phone arrived and my old number was subsequently transferred across, the contract started and my faithful old 1100 disconnected (Boo! Hoo!)
So now I have a new phone, the Nokia 6300. And very impressive it is too. It does everything – even cooks your tea for you if you ask it nicely! But I don’t how to use it…..
So far - I’ve managed to switch off the incoming text message alert, change the clock, mark my contacts (whatever that means!) and lose some text messages that I sent to my friends (or thought I had….I’ve actually got no idea whether they were sent or not).
I phoned Matt and left a message on his voicemail. I couldn’t figure out how to end the call, still….if in doubt….Power down. Matt tried to ring me back, and left a message on my voicemail. It took me a day to figure out how to retrieve it. But I’m getting there….