Martin in 2010
No one particular type of card dominates, suggesting a fairly balanced read although there are fewer Wands suggesting that personal projects / energetic activity may not have too much of a high profile this year. More Swords than others, indicating greater mental / intellectual activity this year – and particularly in the Houses relating to home and work.
1st House – this is about you, how you project yourself and how others see you. 7 of Cups, indicating some choices to be made about you and where / what you want to be this year. Perhaps a time to invest in yourself, make some moves for the longer term.
2nd House – this is about your money and self worth, things that make you feel safe and secure. 8 of Cups. This suggests the coming year may be about ‘out with the old’ – possibly relating to the previous card. Moving away from what wasn’t really working for you, familiar as it might be – but perhaps not where you really want to be. I wonder – are you thinking about a house move?
3rd House – Your day-to-day environment; communication, neighbours, siblings, short journeys. 9 of Cups. Material comfort. Indicates stability and security – interesting as this seems to be at odds with the previous two cards, or this may mean that you come into some money – but perhaps not a huge amount.
4th House – family, home (physical) , roots and emotional security. Ace of swords, indicating new ideas and new ways of seeing things. This fits well with the 1st and 2nd Houses, indicating that you will be making some changes in your home life in 2010.
5th House – Your self expression, creativity and everything that is fun for you. 3 of Swords. This may be related to changes that you make, and perhaps for a while it may be difficult to relax and enjoy life with your mind pre-occupied with other matters. Perhaps a short period of feeling down / depressed.
6th house – Your attitude to your work (as opposed to your career), and possibly your health. Prince of Swords. This may suggest that, at work you need to speak up for yourself more at work, be more questioning and say what you really mean. Sometimes things do have to be said.
7th house – long term relationships, romantic and/or business. 8 of Pentacles. This looks like you will be investing a lot of time and effort in getting a relationship to work, recognising that it won’t be fruitful overnight and you will have to work at it over time.
8th House – joint finances and possessions, may also be about personal psychology, attitude to change; sexuality. The Empress. This is you again, being patient and nurturing and bringing new ideas to fruition. This house suggests that money / possessions may be involved – as I felt in the 1st and 2nd houses.
9th House – Higher learning and your belief systems. This can include your sense of adventure. The Moon – may suggest changes in your beliefs and attitudes. This can be good thing, but I do feel there may be a sense of feeling ‘down’ for a period, as previously expressed in the 3 of Swords. The Moon also represents creativity and so may suggest that this side of you will be to the fore in matters of learning – trying out new and very different things.
10th House – Career / profession, responsibilities, your reputation and standing. Princess of Swords. Interesting – another court card related to work – this time your career / ambitions. The Princess can represent beginnings, things in their embryonic state, and this looks like you taking those first tentative steps to speak up and make yourself more noticed.
11th House – your aspirations and personal goals; social groups. 10 of Wands, indicating that you may feel over-burdened in terms of pursuing your personal aspirations. Have you taken on too much? Perhaps friends are leaning on you too much, and you are too readily taking on the problems of others?
12th House – Privacy, secrets, karma. What is hidden from you and what you might hide from others. The Wheel of Fortune. A turn for the better, good luck. Something good that you’re not expecting will happen.